Classroom Mini – Grant Awards

Classroom Mini-Grants have been awarded annually since 2009. Each fall, applications are received and reviewed by the Foundation’s Grants Committee members who use a scoring rubric to determine award recipients. Listed below is a summary of awards made to date. Funding for the awards has been provided through interest income on the endowment principal and through identified specific donations as noted.

2022-2023 Funding provided by the CPSEF

Resource Bags for Future Educators– A program that engages HS students who are interested in teaching the opportunity to have materials and lesson plans to be successful in a classroom. HS

Stem Drone– Purchase of a DJI Robomaster tello talent drone. It will aid in coding & artificial intelligence education taught in the Upper Elementary Stem classroom. MS 4,5,6th grade

Missy Wishy Washy– Project in the ASD self-contained classroom access to a series of Big Books that will help facilitate their growth and phonics and interest in reading

2021-2022 Funding provided by the CPSEF,

Pocket cutter machine– makes it possible to use screws to assemble projects but keeps them hidden and out of sight-HS woodshop class

Dramatic Play Engagement Materials– My students will be better able to apply what we are learning into practice because they will be fully immersed in the theme while in the center-GA Kindergarten

Designated pair of headphones– will help students learn to work independently in kindergarten- GA

Stem Bins– These hands on and mind-on activity bins will allow students to have fun exploring math & science- 1st grade PA

Cool Tools for reading– Tools such as whisper phones allow students to hear themselves practice without distributing others. Pop-it toys allow students manipulate and isolate the sounds in words in a fun way.

2020-2021 Funding provided by the CPSEF

Esports– A new switch & upgrade games. Helping students who are not connected socially to CHS gives them a reason to come to school by participating in video game club/Egaming and holding them accountable to good grades and attendance- HS

Science Models Kits. To build a model of an alternative energy source, wind turbines, hydroelectric or solar. HS

Tools for stem– Using practical tools like screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters & wrenches that most students in grades 1-3 have never seen or used- PA & WA

Mock Caldeott Awards Unit– building excitement, engage with former award-winning books in addition to reading and selecting what they predict the new recipient will be. Picture books have a significant impact and shows reading matters, that books matter. PA 1st

2014 – Funding provided by the CPSEF, James and Ann Garvey Living Trust, and an anonymous donor.

Differentiated Learning and Movement: Improving student learning through better participation in instruction by providing equipment that improves focus, stamina and engagement. Charlotte Upper Elementary School, 4th grade.

Sensory Equipment: Helping students on the autistic spectrum focus on instruction and tasks through the use of specialized pictures in a visual library that reinforce verbal prompts and sensory items. Washington Elementary School, K-3 grades.

Literacy Stations: Providing creative was for students to practice and improve Language Arts skills using equipment that allows them to hear themselves reading and visualize written words and letters. Parkview Elementary School, 1st grade.

VEX-IQ Robotics Competition Team: Supporting students who are participating on competition teams. Charlotte Upper Elementary School, 6th grade Science.

Elementary Music – F Contrabass Bar: Adding an F Contrabass Bar, expanding cord roots in instrumental accompaniments, to the collection of musical instruments used in elementary music education. Parkview and Washington Elementary Schools, K-3 grades.

Exploring Learning Gizmos: Accessing Explore Learning-Interactive online Simulations that students will use with IPads to study topics in depth aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Charlotte High School Physics and Science.

Authentic and Engaging Writing Feedback via Screencast Technology: Improving the grading and conferencing experience for students by using software to allow individual comments and evaluation to be recorded for viewing by individual students. Charlotte High School English.

RAZ –Kids: Providing access to online reading leveled ebooks that include a home/parent component for monitoring student progress. Parkview Elementary School, 1st grade.

Classroom Digital Microscope: Providing a 3-in-1 microscope, stereoscope and handheld discovery scope to use in science activities with the ability to upload images for annotation, measuring, editing and comparing. Parkview and Washington Elementary Schools, K-3 grades.

Movers and Shakers: Providing equipment and items that give sensory input to improve student engagement in teaching and learning. Parkview Elementary School, K-3 grades.

2013 – Funding provided by CPSEF and William Garvey Memorial Fund.

Making Better Videos: Providing software and hardware used to produce lessons that are posted on a web site for student access outside of the classroom. Charlotte High School, Math Special Education.

One More Story: Combining technology with literature using an IPad application to improve reading experiences. Parkview Elementary School, Kindergarten.

Magic of Music: Using music during lesson transitions to increase student achievement in support of Robert Marzano’s philosophy in The Art and Science of Teaching. Charlotte Upper Elementary School, 4th grade.

Student Blog: Proving equipment to support students as they contribute written work to the classroom blog. Washington Elementary School, 3rd grade.

Positive Behavior System: Providing an application used to track and record student behavior including the ability to email parents with reports and feedback. Charlotte Upper Elementary School.

2012 – Funding provided by CPSEF and William Garvey Memorial Fund.

One More Story: Combining technology with literature using an IPad application to improve reading experiences. Washington Elementary School, Kindergarten.

Positive Behavior System: Providing an application used to track and record student behavior including the ability to email parents with reports and feedback. Charlotte Upper Elementary School.

Classsroom Ear-buds for IPads: Providing ear-buds used while studying foreign language. Charlotte Middle School, Spanish.

Keyboards for a Multi-Genre English Project: Providing equipment allowing students to demonstrate understanding of lessons and to complete assignments. Charlotte High School, English.

2011 – Funding provided by CPSEF

Teaching Patriotism through Pen Pal correspondence with the 4th Battalion: Providing postage, development of photographs, packing of care packages and supplies. Washing Elementary School, 2nd grade.

Igniting a Passion for Reading using Nook Books: Providing equipment for students to use with electronic books. Parkview Elementary School, K-1 grades.

Applications for Education: Purchasing curriculum supporting applications for IPads. Parkview Elementary School, 1st, 2nd and K-3 Title One.

2010 – Funding provided by CPSEF

Making Informational Literature Accessible to all Readers: Providing multiple copies of high-interest, multi-leveled, nonfiction literature. Charlotte Upper Elementary School, 5th and 6th grades.

Roll to Success: Providing a pressure stimulating device that is used to provide deep pressure exercises for calming students to reduce tension and anxiety. Charlotte Middle School, Special Education.

2009 – Funding provided by CPSEF

Kids Care about the Earth: Providing shelving and containers to begin a recycling center. Parkview Elementary School.

Sports Numeral Posters: Developing poster size photos of children in sports jerseys to reinforce math activities. Parkview Elementary School, Kindergarten.

Listening Center: Providing equipment and digitized books for a listening center to support student reading and vocabulary development. Parkview Elementary School

Calculator Based Ranger: Providing a CBR unit that connects to a graphing calculator system allowing students to collect real motion data to be used for prediction, graphing and other mathematical calculations. Charlotte High School, Math.